Colonic Aftercare


Apart from the incredible health benefits you will receive from you course of colonics, one

of the best things you may notice is that each colonic treatment can be a different

experience from the last. Depending on how your body adjusts to the cleansing effect

you may experience anything from a great burst of energy (this is most common), through

to feeling a little light-headed or drowsy. If, after a particular session, you start to feel

tired or nauseous, then simply relax, as these things will pass. This is quite normal as the

body is processing and eliminating the toxins that are being stirred up and released. It is

also a sign that more cleansing is needed, so don’t stop now! Following a colonic you

may also experience things like headaches or loose stools from time to time. What is

important to note is that these can simply be a sign of moving intestinal putrefactions and

toxins, which often respond within minutes of having a colonic.

Occasionally some people may experience mild bloating. This is because some of the

water that has been infused gradually soaks into the hardened, old material in the colon,

softening it and causing it to swell a little prior to elimination. This is a good sign and will

soon pass, too. If you do not have a bowel movement for a few days after your cleanse,

do not be alarmed, as you have just cleared out considerable debris from your colon. It

takes time to improve colon tone and bowel function, and as the colon is about one and a

half meters long, there is now a cleaner space to work through. Unfortunately, due to diet

and lifestyle, many people’s bowels move only as material is pushed through the colon by

the next meal in the queue, rather than because of natural waves (peristalsis) of the

colon. Over time colon hydrotherapy greatly improves intestinal function, tone and shape

by aerobically exercising the colon muscle as well as eliminating toxins.

Aftercare Recommendations

Introduce broad-spectrum probiotic rich foods such as coconut water

kefir (Key for Life does a great one in Bali), coconut milk kefir,

kombucha (if tolerated) and/or a supplement probiotic such as the Life

Space broad-spectrum probiotic (sold at Aqua Health).

Eat lightly after colonic. Aim for easy to digest cooked foods such as

soups, stews and juices. Try to avoid eating too many raw vegetables straight

after the treatment, aim for more steamed and cooked vegetables. We also

recommend a reduced consumption of alcohol, caffeine, sugar and meat after

a treatment. If doing a juice cleanse try to include more digestive and healing

herbs such as turmeric, ginger, aloe-vera and papaya.


Remember, its important to drink plenty of water and eat lightly

too, so listen to your body and if you need to rest do so. Digestive herbs such

as chamomile, peppermint, ginger root, fennel seed, lemon balm, clove and

dandelion can be beneficial. These can be consumed as a tea.

Pure Aloe-vera juice can also be beneficial as it helps to soothe and restore

the colon. So aim to drink plenty of water before and after you colonic and if

you body allows include some coconut water as it is a great source of


Don’t Stop Now!

Consider a follow up colonic. Aqua Health recommends 4 colonics over a 7

to 10 period to cleanse the full length of the colon and receive the full benefits of

Colonic Irrigation.

We encourage you to take the time to learn more about maintaining good

digestive health, and please feel free to email any questions you may have

about your treatment or detox. With the latest scientific research supporting traditional

medicines philosophy that good health starts in the gut, your digestion and

colon bacteria is paramount to good, long-term health.

Now that you have begun to clean out the mal-absorbed matter and other

inflammatory debris, the beneficial bacteria will have a higher chance of

growing in population. We are sure you will soon enjoy the increased energy,

vitality and many health benefits that come from looking after what we believe

to be the most important part of the body.